Sell MP3 Downloads

Should You Sell Audio Books as Part of Your Online Business?

Sell MP3 Downloads

With the advent of MP3 players and smartphones, more and more book lovers are turning to audio books to make commute times, exercise or household chores a bit more entertaining. As the popularity of audio books continues to grow, many online merchants are neglecting a potentially vital source of revenue, simply because they do not list audio books among their product offerings. Why Sell Audio Books? Though few things compare…

Top 10 Digital Craft Products

Moving Beyond Patterns: Selling Software as a Crafting Business

Top 10 Digital Craft Products

It’s a common misconception among crafting enthusiasts that, in order to turn a profit and build a successful business through digital goods, the only choice is to sell knitting patterns or other instructional products. In fact, crafty creators with a bit of software design know-how can make a bundle by selling programs which help other crafters to complete their projects. Selling Software as a Crafter Choosing to sell software as…

Music Digital Downloads

Sell Music as a Collaborative Effort: Work with Video Content Creators

Music Digital Downloads

Even the most talented unsigned musicians know it’s not always easy to break into the business of selling songs. While most musical artists would prefer to sell music directly to their listeners, this will require the building of a fan base. One way to establish your brand identity and start amassing a following of fans is to work with other artists. By teaming up with video content creators and supplying…

Selling Digital Goods

PayPal, Downloads and the Online Marketplace

Selling Digital Goods

As the online economy continues to grow, more and more content providers are teaming up with proven service providers to power their new business. By partnering with ecommerce solutions which support payment processing through trusted names like PayPal, downloads and digital goods merchants are able to actively build their businesses by inspiring confidence and trust in new customers. Combining PayPal, Downloads Delivery and Powerful Marketing Tools While it goes without…

Digital Goods

Keep Your Fanbase Connected: Sell Apps

Digital Goods

Finding ways to keep your fanbase connected and plugged into your business isn’t always easy, especially for small business owners who independently operate Internet based storefronts. Fortunately, there’s one small but mighty option which you can use to keep your audience in the loop and invested in your efforts: selling smartphone apps. Today’s online buyer is connected to the world not only through their computers; in fact, a well-executed app…

sell your ebook

How Your Blog Can Help You Sell Articles

sell your ebook

As print magazines and newspapers slowly go the way of the dinosaur, many who nurtured dreams of becoming a published journalist are turning to the Internet to make those dreams come true. Every freelance writer has their own methods of finding new clients, but a blog is one of the most powerful and effective tools in any author’s arsenal. With a bit of marketing know-how and the right tools, you…

MP3 file downloading

How to Sell Beats on PayPal

MP3 file downloading

Synthesized beat tracks are crucial to vocalists in the pop, hip hop and R&B genres, which leaves room for many creative producers to earn money while boosting their brand image by selling beats. While this can be a very lucrative career path, figuring out how to break into the music industry isn’t always easy. Thankfully, there is a way for talented musicians to build a career, along with a name…

ebooks for sale

How Free Samples Can Help You Sell Ebooks Online

ebooks for sale

Once upon a time, aspiring authors desperately sought out publishing companies and faced stacks of rejection letters on their way to fame and fortune. Today, the Internet has drastically changed the publishing industry and more authors are choosing to take things into their own hands by self-publishing and selling ebooks online. Though this is still a relatively new industry, there are a flood of new ebooks entering the online market…