Category: Digital Sales

Shopping Cart Software

Brand Reputation and Customer Satisfaction: Polishing Your Content

Shopping Cart Software

There are many factors which will determine the success or failure of an online business venture, some of which may be largely out of your control. One universal factor which is solely within your control, however, is the quality of the content you offer. The strongest marketing campaign and most clever promotional plan can’t make up for weak, low-quality content, which is why its so important to focus on polishing…

ebooks for sale

Content Creation: Writing Ebooks That Sell

ebooks for sale

Writing an ebook of any kind is hard work, but even the most dedicated effort is no guarantee that an ebook will sell. While marketing and promotional tactics will have a significant bearing on the success of your self-publishing venture, strong content creation will almost always be the cornerstone of any substantially successful ebook sales campaign. In order to make a splash in the self-publishing industry, it’s important for aspiring…

Free Shopping Carts For PayPal

Generating Interest and Increasing Business with Free Digital Samples

Free Shopping Carts For PayPal

Giving away your product may not seem like the best way of gaining new customers, but it can actually be one of the most effective methods of increasing business for new online merchants. Though this practice seems counterintuitive at first blush, there’s no better marketing pitch than a great product. Providing limited-functionality “lite” versions of software, snippets of songs and excerpts of ebooks allows the products you’ve created to speak…

quick search

Using Titles and Product Descriptions to Sell Digital Goods

quick search

First impressions are crucial, and the world of online sales is no exception. In order to successfully encourage your prospective clients to become those of the paying variety, you must be able to convince them of the superiority of your digital goods in short order. This is where well-written, clear and accurate product descriptions are essential, along with snappy titles. Writing Product Descriptions for Your Digital Goods Potential customers will…

Sales Arrow Word Shows Business Or Commerce

Increasing Revenue Through Upselling and Special Features

Sales Arrow Word Shows Business Or Commerce

Every sale is a victory, but what if there was a way you could increase your revenue by encouraging additional sales at the point of purchase? With the right upselling techniques and by offering relevant special features, you can do just that. By facilitating the growth of even a small percentage of planned sales, you will see a noticeable difference in terms of increasing revenue and growing financial success. How…

Sell Ebooks Online

Choosing a Target Audience: Children’s Ebooks

Sell Ebooks Online

The traditional publishing market can be a difficult one for even the most talented authors to break into, even those who specialize in popular content like children’s books. With the rise of the Internet, tablet devices and e-reader products, however, the self-publishing industry is also rapidly growing. For many aspiring authors today, establishing a customer base can be as simple as choosing a target audience and publishing their children’s ebooks…

Digital Downloads Shopping Cart

Selling Digital Products Online: File Security

Digital Downloads Shopping Cart

Online piracy is a very serious problem for not only major recording labels, publishers and film producers, but also for independent sellers of digital goods. Every pirated copy of your digital products is one less potential sale, which is why its so important for online merchants to learn the best methods of protecting their digital products online. Before you lose another sale to online piracy, learn more about how you…

Web designer

Integrating an E-Commerce Solution into Your Personal Website

Web designer

Building a financially successful online business venture requires entrepreneurs to take advantage of a variety of potential sales platforms. From social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter to a blog post, any opportunity to share a sales link is one which should always be taken. While all of these tools are important, a personal website with a memorable URL can be one of the most powerful weapons in your online…