Category: Digital Products

Online Selling Software

Building a Business Around Subscription Downloads

Online Selling Software

How do you guarantee a regular income as a digital merchant? As with any other sales business, there are likely to be times of both feast and famine. What if there were a way you could launch your venture around systems designed to help you foster a more stable income? By selling subscription downloads, you’re actually in an ideal position for stability. Your monthly subscribers will give you a reasonably…

strategy to sell products online

How to Launch a Digital Downloads Business

strategy to sell products online

You’re ready to take control of your future by starting your own digital downloads business; now, where do you begin? Too often, content creators with great business plans and products decide not to enter the online marketplace simply because the logistics of launch are too daunting. You have so many choices, tools and services to decide upon, it can easily become overwhelming. What if there were a way to get…

Selling With Google Checkout

The Power of PayPal: Software Sales 101

Selling With Google Checkout

You’re ready to stop giving your software away, but how do you launch your online business? There are a number of misconceptions, along with a wealth of different options, which can all make it difficult to know what’s best for your new venture. Should you manually process payments, or use PayPal? Software sales website, or dedicated eCommerce platform? Figuring out how and where to invest can be daunting, to say…

how to sell with confidence

Let Bloggers Help with Your Software Marketing

how to sell with confidence

Are you looking for the best way to get the word out about your brand on a small budget? You don’t have to have access to a large startup investment fund to get your software marketing push underway; you just need a working knowledge of tools and services with which you may not be familiar. Before you invest what money you have into prepaid advertising, take some time to explore…

Sell MP3 Downloads

How MP3 Downloads Can Boost Your eBook Business

Sell MP3 Downloads

Do you want to know the one way you can set your eBook download business apart from the competition? To truly succeed, you must offer high-quality products that your competitors are not offering. For many new authors, the key to success is supplementing eBook sales with audio books distributed via MP3 downloads. While these large files can be difficult to host and share efficiently, there is a way to streamline…

Digital Products To Sell Online

Find Out Where to Sell Books as a New Author

Digital Products To Sell Online

You’ve finished your novel. Now it’s time to decide where to sell books in order to make the greatest possible impact. While most new authors would love to see their work in print, working with a traditional publisher to release physical copies may not be the most lucrative or rewarding option. In most cases, you’ll earn mere pennies from each sale, with the lion’s share of your profits going to…

Sell My Books

Why You Should Self-Publish an eBook Download

Sell My Books

Are you ready to start making a name for yourself as an author? What if there were an easier way than trying to navigate the traditional publishing system? One with the potential to be more lucrative while keeping you in full control? Self-publishing an eBook download may seem like a risky proposition, but there are a number of reasons why it’s the best possible option for many authors. If you’re…

where to sell books

Sell a Book with No Publisher or Agent

where to sell books

Are you ready to strike out on your own as an independent author? You may be surprised to learn just how easy it can be to self-publish and sell. Book files are among the most popular in the digital market, and there’s no need for a publisher or literary agent when you have the right tools at your disposal. In fact, you don’t even need the management of mass eBook…