Top 10 Digital Music Artists

Selling Songs Individually to Pay for Your Full-Length Release

Top 10 Digital Music Artists

As a musician, you know just how expensive it can be to get in the studio and start working on your full-length album. Even with an all-digital release, which frees you from the financial burden of pressing and shipping physical products, you’re still faced with studio time and related expenses. What you may not realize, though, is that there’s an effective way of not only financing your album project, but…

Sell Videos Online

Why Experts Should Sell Videos Online

Sell Videos Online

While the Internet is home to countless viral videos which form the backbone of free streaming sites’ appeal, there’s also a market for those with valuable skills and the know-how to sell videos online as instructional products. If you’re accomplished in a particular area of study or expertise, you don’t have to write an ebook to monetize your knowledge. With the right support services and a bit of basic knowledge,…

Selling Beats Online as a Low-Cost Startup

Selling Music in the Digital Age

Selling Beats Online as a Low-Cost Startup

As a musician, you know the days of selling physical copies of your album are quickly becoming little more than a distant memory. With the exception of specialty products like vinyl, physical media simply isn’t’ the vehicle of choice for music lovers of the digital age. The vast majority of sales today take place online, with merchants selling music as digital files for instant download. Though navigating the online landscape…

growing e-commerce

There’s No Such Thing as a PayPal Instant Download: Online Sales for Beginners

growing e-commerce

Selling pay downloads can be lucrative and rewarding on many levels, but it can also be frustrating and confusing if you don’t have all the information you need when you first begin. Too often, promising businesses fail because their owners were under misconceptions which damaged their brand and ultimately destroyed their reputation. One of these myths is particularly pervasive: the myth of the PayPal Instant Download. Payment Processing with PayPal;…

Software Marketing

Why You Don’t Need an Expensive Website to Sell Software Online

Software Marketing

As a software designer, you know just how lucrative the right product can be when it’s marketed properly. What you may not know, though, is just how easy it can be to get started with your own web store, rather than relying on others to sell your products. You don’t have to be a marketing and sales professional to earn a profit selling software you design; you don’t even need…

Sell Book

Selling Digital Downloads: What You Need to Get Started

Sell Book

Building a new business venture around selling digital downloads doesn’t have to be complicated, but you should have a strong grasp of basic information before your web store launches. The success of your venture will depend on a number of factors, not least of which is your ability to start from a strong position and follow through with a solid business plan. Before you start offering your digital downloads as…

How to Offer eBooks for Sale

PayPal Downloads: A How-To for Beginning Merchants

How to Offer eBooks for Sale

Starting an online business can seem overwhelming at first, but setting up you own web store doesn’t have to be a daunting task. The most important first step is learning what you do and don’t need to be successful, and to understand the truth behind some common misconceptions. Understanding just how vital services like PayPal, digital goods and online sales come together can help you get off to a solid…

sell your ebook

Why Selling Beats Online is Your Best Option

sell your ebook

You know selling beats can be a great way of getting your musical career off the ground, but how do you get started? Not so long ago, musicians relied on shows and in-person marketing to get their products out there until they were able to secure a record deal. These days, the entire landscape of the musical industry has changed. Now, some of the world’s most successful beatmakers work independently…