Where to Sell Books You Have Written

ebooks for sale

In today’s society, virtually anyone could become a writer. All the stress of printing and publishing is out the window, with today’s advanced technology. Who needs a paperback when you can create an eBook, ultimately saving money and the trees? It’s quickly becoming the favored option among new and upcoming writers. The only problem is, once they create their eBook, they don’t know where to sell it, what websites the buyers are more drawn to, or where their eBooks will be most likely to be discovered.


Amazon is a great place to sell your eBooks for the sole fact that it is such a popular website. Everyone shops there, from books to games and an array of physical goods. With the success of their proprietary Kindle device, it’s also one of the most well-known and expected places for selling eBooks today. With so many people constantly scrolling, searching and buying on this popular website, you’d think it’d be the best option. Actually, it does come with some drawbacks. You know people will go to this website because it’s so popular, but because it is so well known, there are thousands of people just like you trying to sell their work in the exact same place. So often, your eBook gets lost in the mess of the masses, where it all too often goes unnoticed.

Barnes & Noble

Barnes & Noble is another big-name outlet for selling your eBooks, but again, it’s a big name company. When you go there to sell, you’re mostly sending your eBook into an eBook grave where it runs the risk of getting lost in the shuffle. The chance of anyone discovering your eBooks is often slim to none. Sometimes, though the popular companies seem like the best route, you have to remember everyone else shares those assumptions. As a result, it’s going to be hard to find your eBook among the rest of your competitors’ work.

Facebook Page

Facebook pages are good for selling your work when you want to run your online store yourself. It’s a great option if you’re looking to save money, because it is completely free to create a page. Still, it does become a bit of a hassle once you take off if have to manage everything yourself.  Also, your reach can be limited if you’re not paying for ad placement.


Payloadz is a great option for anyone looking to sell books. They are an actual website, so people will take you seriously as an online merchant. The site is well-known, but it’s less likely your eBook is going to be lost in a black hole of other sellers. This option is quite cost-efficient, because they allow you to list all of your books for free. Built-in payment processing and content delivery means that you get to sit back while PayLoadz takes money, provides your buyer with the eBook download, and then pays you once the transaction is complete. You can use PayLoadz to enhance your social media sales pages, too. They help you sell right from your social networking page while still giving you the credibility you need to be taken seriously coming from a legitimate website.

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