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Sell My Books

Have you finally wrote the book you always wanted to share with the world? Congratulations! But writing your book is just the first step. If you want to earn money from your accomplishment you need to get your book published. Many people are skipping the publishing houses and moving to self-publishing options by creating an e-book download.

Creating and Selling an e-Book Download

Now that your book is completed, you need to exchange your writer hat for your business hat. You need to put your book into digital form so it can be sold to the masses online as an e-book download. This is a fairly easy feat; if you used MS Word to write your book, you can create a PDF for free from this software. You will want to research the correct format for creating your e-book; page size is usually formatted for e-readers, often 5.5” x 8.5”. And just like a printed book, you want to include a title page plus pages for copyright and index. Once you have your e-book in a digital download form, you can begin focusing on selling your book online.

To sell your e-book download, there are several factors to consider. You will want to list it for sale in as many places online as possible, including social media, online bookstores and your own website, if you have one. But you must also have a secure way to accept payments and to deliver your e-book download to your customers. While you can buy expensive software and create ways to send your e-book securely, there is a simpler way – sign up for an eCommerce service for digital downloads.

Services like offer an easy way for those selling digital products like e-book downloads to deliver their products. These services offer payment processing, secure digital delivery and an online store where you can sell your e-book. PayLoadz also allows you to use their service in conjunction with any other venue that you choose to sell your book, like on your social media pages and through eBay auctions. This gives you peace of mind that your book will be safely delivered to your customers while protecting you from fraudulent download activity.

Another benefit of for those selling e-books is the easy affiliate marketing program. This hooks you up with affiliate marketing partners that will promote your book on their websites to give you larger exposure, leading to more sales and higher profits.

When you are ready to begin selling your e-book download, make sure to enlist the help of an eCommerce service like It will help make selling and sending your digital masterpiece fast and easy.

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