Selling Video Games: Start Simple with Games for Kids


If you have dreams of a career as a video game designer, but don’t have the experience necessary to create a complex program, there is a way to make money while honing your skills. By creating games for kids, you can start selling video games to fund a more ambitious effort while learning the basics of game design.

Why Start with Games for Kids?

By necessity, video games geared towards younger audiences are less complicated in design. For kids to grasp the mechanics, a game created for them needs to be easy to operate. Young players also tend to gravitate towards simple, clean visuals with bright colors. Where older, more seasoned audiences demand sophisticated graphics, a strong plot and more intricate gameplay, this is simply not the case for children. By starting your career by designing simple games for kids, you’re able to learn the ins and outs of the game design process without becoming overwhelmed by working with established engines or the need for mind-blowing graphics.

In fact, pared-down graphics are the key to selling video games to younger audiences. Where older gamers may scoff at offerings bereft of high-end lighting and intricate character models, kids are more attracted to bright colors and ease of use. Creating games for kids allows you to learn the fundamentals of designing and selling video games without the pressure of releasing the next big thing for dedicated, adult gamers.

Appealing to Your Audience and Selling Video Games

When you’re selling video games for kids, you need to appeal not only to your target user but also the people who will be controlling the purse strings: parents. The best way to entice both young players and their parents is to offer games with educational value. When video games for kids help them learn more about spelling, reading comprehension, math or science, they’re also more attractive to the parents who will ultimately be making the purchase.

During the conceptualization phase, look for ways to make the learning of these basic skills a primary goal. Consider your target age group, and plan appropriately. For preschoolers, learning the alphabet and mastering basic mathematical principles are key. Counting and spelling games are perennial favorites, as are memory games and simple artistic programs. For older kids, look for ways of making things like long division and multiplication tables fun and exciting. By integrating educational concepts and making them take center stage, you’ll be creating a game kids will enjoy and their parents will feel good about purchasing.

Making Money by Selling Video Games for Kids

Your end goal may be the creation of a more complex game for older audiences, but designing a game for more mature audiences requires time and money. Creating simple games for kids helps you learn the basic principles of game design, and selling your efforts can help you bankroll future projects. You may be starting with the most basic concepts, but each program you build helps you gain more knowledge and experience. With dedication and determination, you can turn the skills and profit you gain from selling video games for kids into tools you can use to take your video game design business to the next level. Content delivery services like can also help you streamline sales and marketing, allowing you to focus your energy on game creation and gaining new skills.


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