Sell Your Software Online

Software Marketing

Fulfilling your customers’ expectations

Software has to fulfill a customer need. People have expectations for software when they pay for it. If you have already spent countless hours designing your software, and you are confident that it can fulfill a need, you are probably ready for the next step, which is to sell your software. It’s important that customers realize the software’s potential. What will they receive from it? Why is it better than another similar product? Why should they buy from you? This is what fulfilling your customers’ expectations is all about. If you can reach customers because of your marketing strategy, you should have success when you sell your software online.

More than One Choice is Required

If you are selling your software online for Windows Vista, have versions for Windows 7 and Mac. To get more potential customers, have a downloadable version in a format they can use. Windows might be a popular version, but don’t forget about the Mac users out there. Failure to accommodate all customers when you sell your software means you won’t last long. Make certain you have different versions, even if you need a little help in the design or a secondary website.

Customer Satisfaction is Key

Customers want to know about the software, what it does and whether it’s easy to access. Answer these questions when you sell your software online. The information should be easy to find, like next to the picture or video of the software. Describe it in short bullets before offering a longer description.

Free Trials go a Long Way

Do you know why a place like Microsoft offers a short trial of its office program? It’s to entice you into purchasing it. There’s a higher conversion rate for Microsoft because of the trials it offers. Microsoft also wants existing customers to know why it’s best to upgrade to the latest version. You can benefit from this marketing strategy. Offering a free trial when you sell your software helps the potential buyer see what it’s worth.

Protect your Software

Before you sell your software online, come up with a trial version that has limited features. Customers must buy the version to get all the features it contains. Additionally, the trial must be for a short time so that people will miss the software when the trial ends. Customers who want the software won’t hesitate to pay for it once they find they like it. Trial versions make it easier for you to sell your software through a service like

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