Sell Books Online and Break into Indie Publishing

woman reading ebook

What’s holding you back from realizing your dream of releasing a novel? If you’re hesitating out of misgivings about traditional publishing, you’re not alone. Many authors, particularly those dealing in niche genre fiction and obscure non-fiction, simply do better when they manage their own independent digital publishing. Not only does this route help you keep more money, but also more control over your entire brand as an author.

Why So Many Successful Authors Sell Books Online

Not so long ago, self-publishing was an expensive and extremely risky move. Authors were forced to finance not only the entire first printing run, but also marketing and promotional materials. Getting these self-published novels into brick and mortar stores on a large scale was almost impossible, which also made it incredibly difficult to turn a profit.

These days, things are a bit different. With a small investment and plenty of dedication, you can start earning real money by selling eBooks. There’s no need to finance first-run printing, to spend a fortune on marketing or become so bogged down with tedious publishing tasks you have no time left to do what you do best: write.

Choosing the right tools and services to get your own little digital publishing company established is vital, and can make all the difference when it comes to ease of management, customer service and brand management. Services like take all the guesswork and all the tedium out of managing a digital storefront, all while giving you the freedom to sell your work any way you like.

Digital Direct Publishing Versus Independent Sales

Massive online eReader retailers offer independent authors access to their proprietary eBook marketplaces, which can be a strong source of new readers. It’s important to read the fine print carefully, though, as plans which allow you to keep the greatest share of your earnings also obligate you to restrict sales to a single vendor. You may also be required to surrender control over pricing, which leaves you earning a large portion of a much smaller price than you might have imagined.

Running your own web store is easy, quick and simple to manage when you partner with an eCommerce platform. Payments are processed through names your customers already know and trust, like Google Wallet and PayPal. Your files are hosted securely, then automatically delivered to customers the moment they complete a transaction. You never have to worry about liability for mishandled payment processing, or taking a hit to the customer service rating due to missed deliveries. It’s also possible to turn anything from an inexpensive template site to a completely free blog site into a sales portal. High-quality platforms even give you access to zero-risk, low-cost marketing through built-in affiliate networks.

What are you waiting for? Start selling your own books today.

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