Sell a Book with No Publisher or Agent

where to sell books

Are you ready to strike out on your own as an independent author? You may be surprised to learn just how easy it can be to self-publish and sell. Book files are among the most popular in the digital market, and there’s no need for a publisher or literary agent when you have the right tools at your disposal. In fact, you don’t even need the management of mass eBook online retailers through proprietary device marketplaces. You can start your very own web store, keep it running and earn money without the interference of any corporate interests. All you need is the right system in place before you launch.

What Tools Do I Need to Sell? Book Sales and Online Management

Like any digital content merchant, you’ll need to be able to access or provide a few key services. First and foremost, you must have reliable and trusted payment processing systems. Names like Google Wallet and PayPal are not only trusted around the world, but also easily integrated into high-quality sales platforms. Second, your files need to be securely hosted. Third, you’ll need to be able to provide your customers with immediate access to the files they’ve purchased. Today’s digital buyer is not accustomed to waiting, and you can’t manually share download links each time you sell book files. You’ll also need a central sales hub, but it doesn’t have to be an expensive, complex website custom-built for your business. Choose your other systems carefully, and you’ll be able to take advantage of free blog sites and social media profiles to create an established sales presence.

Efficiency is vital to any online business, so it’s always wise to choose systems which help you create a more efficient business model. Dedicated eCommerce platforms like streamline each and every aspect of your business while creating a highly cost-effective and easy-to-manage system. PayPal and Google Wallet are seamlessly integrated, files are hosted securely and download delivery automation takes the work out of order fulfillment. Simple HTML links can be embedded into your social media profile or website in a snap. Best of all, you’ll even have access to low-cost, zero-risk marketing tools.

Sell Book Files: Better Marketing Strategies

Prepaid banner ads and social media posts can help you drive traffic to your web store. They’re also quite expensive, must be paid for well in advance, and may very well be ignored as your target audience continues scrolling. When you’re just starting your business and have a small marketing budget, you simply can’t afford to gamble with your funding. This is where you need the inexpensive and risk-free systems offered by affiliate networks. They’re built right in to the best eCommerce platforms, and provide you with marketing you only pay for when it’s effective. You boost the signal for your brand without breaking the bank.

Take the first step on your new journey today. Start your own web store, sell book files and establish yourself as an independent author.

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