PayPal Downloads: What New Merchants Need to Know

digital goods selling planning

You’ve got high-quality products and bulletproof marketing plan, but are you really ready to start selling downloads? If you’re like most new online merchants, there are probably still plenty of things you don’t understand about online sales and business building. One of the most important tools for any online merchant can also be one of the most confusing for new sellers: PayPal. Downloads and payment processing can be complicated to master for the absolute beginner, but there’s more to business than just a PayPal account.

What are PayPal Downloads?

If you’ve ever purchased a digital product online, there’s a fairly strong chance you completed the purchase by paying for your goods through PayPal. Because it’s the last step in the process before you reach a download link, it’s easy to fall prey to one of the most common misconceptions about selling downloads: that PayPal downloads hosting services exist.

Even though you were redirected to a download link after entering your password into a PayPal login screen, the payment processing giant had nothing to do with your download. PayPal only facilitated the payment itself; the files were hosted and delivered automatically through separate services. Ultimately, PayPal downloads as a standalone service don’t actually exist. When you gain immediate access to files you’ve purchased after submitting payment through PayPal, it’s because your chosen merchant is working with a dedicated service for automated download delivery.

Tools You Need for Selling Downloads

You know you need to be able to process payments securely in order to get your business off the ground. This is where services like PayPal and Google Wallet shine. Still, they’re not all you need to get by as a new merchant. You’ll also need secure content hosting, access to affiliate marketing networks to get the word out about your products, and an automated download delivery service. You can find all of these through separate service providers, creating more work from yourself and diminishing the efficiency of your daily operations. Or, you can choose a dedicated service like to handle all of your ecommerce needs in one fell swoop.

Working with a dedicated ecommerce platform service takes almost all of the responsibility for daily management out of your hands. You’re free to focus on selling downloads through better marketing and more effective promotion, because your ecommerce service handles everything else on your plate. With more time to promote and a stronger marketing approach, you can start selling downloads quicker and more successfully than you ever thought possible.
Don’t let confusion about Paypal, downloads and delivery systems derail your new venture before it ever gets started. Take the time to learn a bit more about dedicated ecommerce platforms, and earn your way to success through online sales.


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