Learning How to Sell Books: No Publisher Required

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Have you been thinking about how to sell books yourself in digital format, but aren’t sure what you need to get started? In today’s eBook publishing climate, it’s easier and more profitable than ever to start building your own business. Instead of collecting a tiny fraction of your earnings while publishers and literary agents keep the bulk of your money, why not consider an independent release? Self-publishing doesn’t have to be a daunting concept. When you have the right support system in place and a bit of basic knowledge, you’re ready to establish your author brand and start building your reader base.

How to Sell Books, And Why You Should Do it Yourself

While you may dream of seeing physical copies of your work on the shelves at a major book store, there are some drawbacks to traditional publishing. First and foremost, you will never be able to keep a majority share of the profits you earn from each sale. Publishers and literary agents will take a hefty cut, leaving you earning mere pennies for each sale in many cases. You may also find that, even when working with a major publisher, your book is scarcely promoted and not stocked on shelves reserved for works by established authors. You may also find your creative control drastically limited, due to the demands of editors and publishers.

When you choose to learn how to sell books yourself, you’re able to take control over your work and your earnings. You can promote and market your books in the way you see fit, and you’ll be able to keep the lion’s share of your earnings. Start off with a strong business plan and a bit of online sales knowledge, and you’re already ahead of the curve when it comes to first-time, self-published authors.

What You Need to Sell eBooks Online

The major eReader proprietary marketplaces are often the first stop for authors new to independent book sales. While these marketplaces can be very valuable resources, it’s vital to understand how they work. Most will offer a wide variety of sales plans, and choosing the right one is crucial to your success. Plans which offer the highest earning percentage may sound good on paper, but they can leave you with as little control and earning power as if you’d worked with a major publisher. You may not be able to control the pricing of your eBooks, and you’ll almost certainly be required to maintain sales exclusivity. This means you’re earning a high percentage of a cover price lower than you think is fair, with an audience immediately limited only to those readers who own a specific device.

The best and most effective option is to work with a dedicated eCommerce platform, like PayLoadz.com. These systems allow you to manage your own web store, control pricing and stay in charge of your own pricing and promotions. You’ll experience all the convenience of marketplace managed sales, with none of the hassle. Payments are quickly and safely processed through trusted names like PayPal and Google Wallet. Your eBooks are securely hosted, and content delivery automation means you’ll never have to worry about a missed sales alert. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to establish a lucrative and rewarding author career because you think you don’t know how to sell books online. Choose a strong eCommerce platform, and get the support you need to succeed.

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