Hunting Down the EBook Shopping Cart

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Now that you’ve decided to sell your eBook online, it’s time to go hunting for the eBook shopping cart that’s going to make your venture successful. You might have already noticed that more shopping cart opportunities exist than there are taxicabs at the airport! But don’t worry. You can whittle down the options easily by doing a little research.

Find the perfect eBook shopping cart by first knowing your options:

  • Licensed software programs – These programs offer a license for purchase. You install a program with certain features. Some software requires codes for you to program and some don’t. Generally, licensed software programs for your eBook shopping cart setup allow you to make modifications if you know how to do the programming. You can also hire a specialist to do it for you.
  • Hosted service – Many vendors opt for hosted service for ease and convenience. A monthly or annual fee is paid to the provider. Sometimes it is a subscription service. The provider helps you set up the shopping cart and, in many cases, manages your shopping cart for you. Sometimes the provider also requires a percentage of your sales as part of the package. Many advantages exist regarding a hosted service such as the one provided by to manage your shopping cart. A hosted service provides constantly updated software, patches to fix bugs or problems and the ability to add features as your business grows.

When you compare the various options, keep in mind how involved you plan to be with the operation of your eBook shopping cart. If you have time to spend programming and monitoring the sales of your eBooks, then the licensed software program option may be most appealing to you. If you just want to sell books online and leave the tracking and management to someone else, the hosted service will be better.

Budget costs also figure into your decision. Fees and percentages you pay on sales could eat into your profits. Those business costs and other services provided may actually boost your sales. Advertising help alone could make a huge difference in online sales. Compare the cost of service between companies offering similar features.

Always read company reviews and consider what other people have to say. A few sites do some comparisons for you. Knowing what other users think of a company can help in your decision-making. Take advantage of the information on the Web to weed out companies that don’t suit your needs. Read customer reviews on different eBook sites. The search does not need to be overwhelming. Choosing an eBook shopping cart that’s easy and convenient for both you and your customers might translate into higher sales for you.

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