How to Sell Your Product Online

strategy to sell products online

Demand exists for all kinds of information. If you possess specialized knowledge in a subject, you can market that knowledge online. Artists and programmers can also sell work online. If you would like to sell your product online, you need to host it. Host your product on your website, a selling platform like PayLoadz or an e-commerce site like eBay. Selling on your own site offers freedom and flexibility; however, it also involves some risks.

Selling on Your Own Site

A basic e-commerce site can cost upwards of $300. A marketing campaign, SEO, link building, a social media campaign and customer support are some important aspects involved. Those tasks require an expert’s help. For example, the design and layout of your site need to be customized for your particular product and buyer audience. Sites need to stand out to make an impact on buyers.

If you don’t set up automatic downloads, you need to check constantly to see whether you sold something and to ensure that buyers receive their files. The time lag before you can start selling depends on many factors, including the availability of the people hired to build the site.

Shopping Cart

If you intend to sell your product online on your own, you need to have a shopping cart. The PayLoadz shopping cart is ideal for both small-scale and large-scale selling.

Selling on a Dedicated Platform

Selling on a platform like eliminates many hassles. And PayLoadz allows you to reach out to a vast market of global buyers. There are no limits regarding quantity, size and type to sell your product online using PayLoadz. You can sell eBooks, music, video, movies, software, digital comic books, digital art, articles, manuals, forms or certificates. You can send free downloads and multiple downloads. PayLoadz stores your product and tracks your sales history. You can give discounts and loyalty codes to promote sales. You can also sell multi-file products, attach several files to a product, and let customers sample or preview your products. Easy and fast file uploads save your precious time.

One of the biggest advantages with PayLoadz is that you can start selling right away, in as little as five minutes! PayLoadz offers a free trial period of seven days and a free express service for limited sale amounts.

Selling on a Third-Party Site

You can sell on other sites; the PayLoadz cart code is compatible with most Web servers. If you want to try selling in a small way, start a free blog on, and use the PayLoadz “Buy Now” button codes.

Auction Sites

You can sell your product online on auction sites like eBay and uBid. The PayLoadz cart integrates smoothly with those sites.

Payment Processors

Payment processors receive funds from buyers and transfer them to sellers’ accounts. You need to install payment processors with your shopping cart. The payment processor is built right into the service with PayLoadz. It is compatible with all leading payment systems such as PayPal, Amazon Payments, Google Checkout, 2Checkout and TrialPay.

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