How to Sell Music without a Recording Contract

ways to sell your digital music

It’s no secret that the face of the recording industry has changed dramatically in the last decade. Where musicians once struggled just to get the attention of talent scouts for major labels, they’re now earning money and building their fan bases independently of the big name companies. While this sales revolution has made it a bit easier for the indie musician to thrive, it can still be a complicated world to navigate. Find out how you can sell music without label support, building your own business along the way.

How to Sell Music: Online Edition

Though there’s no one-size-fits-all option for proven sales success when it comes to any product, there are a few guidelines which can make it easier for you to break into the world of online music sales. Learning how to choose –and use– the best tools and services is the first step along the way of learning how to sell music.

First, you’ll need to be able to process payments safely. After all, you can’t get paid if you can’t collect money, and even the most ardent fan will think twice about handing over their sensitive financial information. This is where a system which integrates trusted names like PayPal and Google Wallet becomes crucial. Second, your files must be hosted securely. Last but certainly not least, you absolutely must be able to offer your fans access to the files they’ve legitimately purchased in short order. After all, your job is to make it as easy as possible for people to pay for and consume your music. In an industry where piracy can make or break your sales figures, don’t give people a reason to illegally download your work. Make a point of eliminating processing delays.

Bringing it All Together to Sell Music

You know what capabilities you need, but how do you find the tools and services which can help you get there without breaking the bank?

You don’t need a high-dollar website capable of processing payments and transactions, nor are you required to monitor sales alerts around the clock in order to make sure files go out as soon as a transaction is completed. All you need is a high-end ecommerce service platform. These services, like, streamline operations to make your job easier.

Sell music and earn money without the help of either a major label or a dedicated tech liaison; use a dependable ecommerce platform, and you can start earning a profit in no time.


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