How to Secure an eBook

eBook Security

Is it possible to have eBook security?

Selling a book online can seem like a gamble until you understand how eBook security works. Certain methods prevent people from trying to pass off an eBook as their own. Any type of digital product needs to have security when it’s no longer on paper or traditional formats. eBook security is different from other digital formats, though, because it can encompass images, text and sound. Because the book might have several sections, different security mechanisms might be in place.

PDF eBook Security

A PDF format is the most common form for an eBook. This type of digital format is straightforward regarding eBook security. It’s usually not complicated because you’re dealing with only one type of presentation format. PDF programs, like Adobe, have their own security measures that can lock the file. Passwords are one way; strong encryptions are another. In addition to the file security is download security, which ensures customers pay for the eBook before they have access to it. Utilizing a secure digital payment and file delivery service like will ensure that payment is received before a link to a single download is provided. The eBook security in place with PDF files protects the document from any changes and allows a read-only format so the person can look at the entire book easily and can zoom in if necessary.

Formats Requiring Additional eBook Security

If an eBook has videos and sound, the eBook security will be slightly tougher to come by. Usually, if you sell digital products from a manufacturer, the manufacturer works on the security, so all you need to do is sell. If you want to secure a file you’re selling, you might need to hire a technology expert. You need to provide eBook security to the file without compromising access. The operating system needs to open the file based on the program for which it’s written. When there are security measures in place, this can become difficult if you have it secured to run on one particular player.

Details on eBook Security with Encryption

A password can be broken easier than encryption. This is one of the reasons most digital goods publishers go with encryption over passwords even though setting up a password is often easier. Some software options for eBook security create U.S. government strength encryption for your material. U.S. government encryption is AES 256 Bit encryption. This follows the digital rights management controls you need to prevent any misuse or unauthorized use of your digital materials, such as an eBook. When you have the DRM controls, you can determine when the license will expire, which makes the book impossible to view.

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