How Educators Can Profit by Selling Digital Goods Online

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The homeschool movement continues to grow, presenting a unique opportunity for educators interested in earning money by selling digital goods online. Homeschooling parents are always in search of high-quality materials, giving content creators with a background in education the chance to put their skills to profitable use on the Internet. With a bit of know-how and dedication, you can turn your expertise as an educator into a profitable opportunity by selling digital goods online.

Selling Digital Goods: Homeschool Materials

Building a curriculum is hard work, and can be prohibitively time-consuming for busy parents who have chosen to educate their children at home. There are a wide array of programs which assist these parents, but many offer very little in terms of supplemental lesson plans. For parents who wish to add to a curriculum program, address unique areas of concern or feed a child’s special area of interest, the Internet can be their only source of materials. By offering high-quality homeschool materials, educators are able to make money online through selling digital goods.

What Kind of Materials Can I Sell?

As a professional educator, you already know how to build a lesson plan or create a worksheet. You also know that there’s much more to teaching a child than handing out a quiz or two. Any materials you use in your own classroom can translate well to a homeschool setting, as long as you’re creating unique, original content to which you hold the rights. These are just a few of the products you can create as part of your plan to sell digital goods to homeschooling parents:

  • Worksheets
  • Pop quizzes
  • Reading guides and book outlines
  • Lesson plans
  • Activity guidelines
  • Posters and visual aids

How Do I Start Selling Digital Goods Online?

After you’ve created your line of homeschool products, you’ll need to find a method of content delivery, payment processing and marketing to make a splash as an online merchant. Social media sites, homeschooling communities and online forums are ideal places to establish an online presence. Consider special offers and promotional pricing to generate buzz, and encourage your customers to recommend you to others through incentive programs.

A content delivery service like can be an invaluable resource, as working with these services allows your clients to gain immediate access to the files they’ve purchased. Your clients never have to wait for you to send out the materials they’ve purchased, and they get the comfort of purchasing through the most trusted payment processing services.

With the right marketing plan, great homeschool materials and a reliable content delivery service, educators can make a great profit by selling digital goods online which cater to this growing audience.


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