Free Streaming Isn’t Your Only Option: Sell Videos for Profit

Sell Video Online

Free streaming may be popular online but there is still plenty of opportunity to sell videos to the right audience. While YouTube is popular for free videos, many of the videos on the site are trying to sell another product or service. If you have a video that is educational or entertaining, you can make a profit by selling that video online.

How to Sell Your Videos

If you have videos that you have created, why give them away for free? In today’s technology age, many people prefer to watch a video than read a book or listen to only audio. And unlike decades past, you can sell video digitally, with no need to create a physical video on DVD. Some of the popular digital videos that are for sale online include:

  • Dancing. Videos demonstrating different types of dance or dance for entertainment are top sellers in digital video sales.
  • Musical instruments. Those who play a musical instrument or teach music can share their talents through video. Whether it is for entertainment or education, these are great online videos.
  • Inspirational messages. Sharing philosophy, religious beliefs and other insights can be profitable for those with a great inspirational messages.
  • How-to videos. Almost any skill that needs to be learned can be captured on video and sold. From cooking and art to fixing cars and home improvement, if it is a skill people need, there is an audience for the how-to video.
  • Independent films and entertainment. From magic shows to short films, there are plenty of videos being sold online for profit. Entertainment is always a popular venue in videos.

So what videos do you have that you want to sell for profit? Regardless of the subject, the next step to selling videos is to find an online store or create your own. Starting your own video website and marketing to the world is an option. However, this can require quite an investment of time and money. The easiest way to get started selling videos for profit is through an established online store and eCommerce service.

Websites like are the perfect solution to sell videos online for those new to online business. Using their online store, you can list your videos for sale directly through their site, plus sign up for affiliate programs where others promote your videos for a small fee. The benefit to using an eCommerce service is that these sites give you a safe, secure place to sell your videos and take care of the high-tech portion of selling online. They give you a shopping cart and payment processing through trusted online sources like Paypal, plus offer secure delivery of your videos to your paying customers.

If you are ready to become a video star online as a director, producer, actor or all of the above, you can get started right away using an eCommerce service. It is the fastest and easiest way to start making a profit off your videos.

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